Health & Safety

The Safety Benefits of Precast Piling
The use of precast components reduces the number of operatives in attendance on site that would normally be casting these products in-situ and consequently reduces the duration that these operatives will be in attendance for.
The use of precast components moves any residual manufacturing Health and Safety risk off the site and into the factory, whereby it can be managed in a more consistent manner i.e. the pouring of wet concrete from a skip suspended from a crane on site open to the elements is now suspended beneath a gantry crane in an enclosed environment thus removing the site variables.
Centrum & Safety
Safety of our staff is the most important thing to Centrum Pile. We work continuously to ensure that our accident rate is as low as possible and our staff return home to their families safe at the end of each working day. A demonstration of our commitment to safety is our six consecutive RoSPA Gold Awards, which recognise continuous improvement in accident and ill health prevention at work. Health and Safety is a priority within Centrum, as we believe it contributes to our on-going business success. It is a core pillar of our business values and we work to ensure it is embedded in everything we do.